tirsdag, desember 23, 2008

New and important blogg for NMS in China

Hello friends.
Just realized that my new colleague Mr. Tom K. Rode-Christoffersen had a blog. The blog is now included in the Bloglist. (The Blogs I am following)
The link is http://penguinsabroad.blogspot.com/

Great job Tom - keep up the good beginning!

Mr Rode-Christoffersen and his lovely wife Marieke will be both working in NMS as development consultants.

So NMS is really gearing up in China - China is becomeing an important Country in many way. Please pray for the NMS team stationed here in Hong Kong and our work in China as a whole.

I got my own photo album on Facebook - not made by me though, but by church member

I got my own picture album on Faceboook. Have a look if you like.
Search Google with these words: "Facebook Ole Jacob Gronvold"

NB: If you include the the the Norwegian Letter "ø" in your search in my name in your search, i.e. like this: "Facebook Ole Jacob Grønvold" you are even more efficient in your search.

mandag, desember 22, 2008

Ny medarbeidere i Det Norske Misjonsselskap Kina

Det Norske Misjonsselskap i Kina har fått nye medarbeidere på plass. Her ser dere familien Rode-Christoffersen i en nokså tom leilighet.
Fra v. Tom og Marieke og barna: Natasha, Jakob og Sophie.
Tom og Marieke er ansatt som bistandskonsulenter og skal jobbe med bistand - særlig i samarbeide med vår partner Amity.
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Another Lion Rock night trip

Yet another Lion Rock night hike - this one on the 21st of December - about 9pm
Jack, Wing, Kevin and Chun
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Blog direct from Hunan Christian Council og Hunan Bible institute

Hello China interested persons out there.
Rev. Wu Ziwei also known as Rev. Gloria Wu is working as a pastor in Hunan for Hunan Christian Council. She is also teaching at Hunan Bible Institute.

Just like to tell you who is interested in this Bible institute - that Rev. Wu now is writing her own blog. The adress is http://gloria-china.blogspot.com/ , click on the link to go there.

You can also find the link to the blog permanently on the right side of my blog - under "Min Blogliste"
Ha en god dag.

Juleavsluttning in Barnehagen

Amazing Gracle Lutherske barnehage
Som vanlig før slutten av høstsemesteret i barnehagen i Amazing Grace Lutheran Church - har barna et julespill for spente foreldre og utslitte lærere.
Vår menighet er heldig som har en barnehage i huset. Ungene viser fram juleevangeliet som et levende bilde og er selvsagt fryktelig søte.
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mandag, desember 08, 2008

Pray for China - be for Kina

How to Pray for China /Hvordan be for Kina
Found the following on a web site owned by Christian Missionary Allicance, and have added and commented a little (in purpel) the info that is wrong or I just don't really agree with. However of course - the main point is prayer for China!

Over the last 55 years, the Church in China has grown to between 60 and 70 million believers. (Many would say somewhere between 50 and a 100 million)Pray as they continue to faithfully proclaims the good news that many others will chose to believe in Christ.

More than 20 million Bibles have been printed in China over the past 20 years. (Not correct - as only AMITY Printing Press in Nanjing have printed more than 40 million bibles and are now printing about 3,5 million Chinese bibles a year. The source for this info is Peter Dean November 2008, employed by the United Bible Society and based in Nanjing at the press at the bible priting factory)

More hymnals and study tools are available than ever before, yet the need continues to outstrip the supply. Pray that appropriate training tools will be developed, printed, and given to church leaders.

Radio and now the web provide opportunities for evangelism, nurturing, and training. Pray that areas that are not easily penetrated by the gospel will be reached.

There are training centers throughout China working to raise up leaders for the Church. Even so, they are not able to provide enough trained leaders for China's growing church. Pray that God will call more and more people to service.

Younger leaders have now moved into key leadership roles within the church. Pray for great wisdom, faith, and spiritual authority for each one.

There are 56 official minority groups in China and literally hundreds of sub-categories within these groups. Some have strong local churches but most have never had the opportunity to hear the gospel. Pray that the unreached minority groups will have an opportunity to hear the gospel.

More than 430,000 of China's brightest students are studying abroad. Pray that they will also be exposed to Christ's love and will come to faith in Him.

China's growing integration into the global economic system creates new pressures on society as well as opportunities for the gospel. Pray that the Church will be the face of Christ to their society.

lørdag, desember 06, 2008

Drinking tea in Beijing

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We booked a seightseeing tour in Beijing and got a lot included. The Great Wall of China, Ming Toombs and even a tea testing party + foot massage all for the net sum of about RMB 180,- or about NOK 180,- pr person. Not bad - good booking by Tom who had the informatiaon that if booked through the regular system it would have been about RMB 400,- (That guy knows his mandarin and how to do a deal.) From left to right. Trond Hjorteland, Miss Tea Tester, Agnar Aasland and Tom Rode-Christoffersen.

Cheeky new times for Chinese artists.

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On a trip to Beijing in November for work togehter with colleques Trond Hjorteland (the photographer of this photo) and two other guys - we did for a couple of days touristy things in Beijing to get the feel of the country and capital. We came across this painters gallery.
(Rather they came across us - as a nice lady in her late twenties invited us to come to see the paint exhibition by the "Art institute something" of Beijing.

Usually we turn these kind of girls down as they usually drag you into something really uniteresting and pushy situations - where you somehove have to buy stuff you don't want.

However the paintings were quite good. Now I don't usully post photo's of naked ladies on this blog - I am far too pious for that, but somehow I fell for this three paintings. Nothing I would have liked to put on my sitting room wall - however I liked the ambuity of the message in the paintings.

And yes we did buy something - all four of us after good haggeling for a while where we got the asking price about 50% down. Come to my home for a look -it is something that can hang on the wall of a pastor.
BTW - have the readers noticed something strange about this blog?
It is in English. After some pressure from a good friend of mine I am at least for the time being changing the language into English -