onsdag, september 07, 2011

Bønnebrev fra Pastor Wu ved Hunan Bibel Instiutt HBI i Kina

Pastor WU Gloria er studieleder ved HBI og skrive på engelsk.

Det er mulig at det vil komme en oversettelse til norsk etter hvert.

 (Be spesielt denne gangen for punkt 4 – jeg er selv en av talerne på denne workshoppen.

Hilsen Ole Jacob Grønvold

NMS representant Kina




Date: September 1, 2011

Prayer Letter for September 2011


Dear brothers and sisters,


The August for our school is always full of excitement and surprise. Two weeks of Worship Summer Camp today is close to the end, and we feel that the whole HBI is on fire. This month we have several things to pray for:

1)        We would like to give thanks to God for these two weeks of Worship Summer Camp, from August 22-September 2. The first week we began to establish our school’s choir, and in the second week, many believers from all around Hunan experienced God in worship. More churches would like to begin new worship style and cell groups.

2)        This summer, Rev. Chenzhi, the president of Hunan Christian Council and HBI, went to visit churches in Wenzhou city of Zhejiang province. He got a vision for Hunan church and that is to establish Children’s Sunday School system. Please pray for this vision, since we are going to move all Hunan churches to work on children’s Sunday School ministry.

3)       Please pray for the new semester, for new students especially. This semester after giving interview to every new student, we give thanks to God for He sent such a good student body to our school! Most new students have years of ministry experiences in the church and they are high intelligent.

4)       September 18-21, Rev. Chenzhi and Gloria will have a fundraising workshop in Nanjing. This project is from NMS and Nanjing Amity Foundation. We want to learn how to do fundraising for our school among Hunan churches. Hopefully, after this conference, more Hunan churches will know the importance of theological education and at the same time, theological education can root deeper into Hunan churches.

5)       As more churches in Hunan are going to do cell group church, please pray for strength and wisdom of the church leaders during the transforming process.


Thank you!

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