lørdag, oktober 08, 2011

Bønnebrev fra Pastor Gloria Wu v. Hunan Bibel Institutt

Nok et bønnebrev fra Hunan Bibel Institutt fra Pastor Gloria Wu sin hånd.

Hennes vilje og evne til å skrive er stor og trofast. Nå er det vi som må vise utholdenhet i bønn!

Ole Jacob Grønvold

Representat for NMS i Kina.

Hong Kong 8/10 2011.


PS: Jeg har stor tro på at en engelsk versjon vil følge om ikke så lenge.

Bildet under ble tatt av Ole Jacob Grønvold, viser Pastor Gloria Wu ved sin kontorpult på Hunan Bibel Institutt.

NMS representant i Kina.





Prayer Letter for October 2011

Fra Gloria Wu, Hunan Bibel Institutt.



Dear brothers and sisters,


Time flies. Do you know, you have prayed for HBI for 12 months, a year. Thank you for your commitment. In the passed year, I enjoyed getting touch with you every time. Let us look forward to another blessed year, pray and work together.


October 1-9, we have National Day holidays. I arrived at Zhangjiajie city in mountain area in the west of Hunan on September 30th with my three-year-old son, my husband and nanny of my son. At the same time, I brought a group of students, 12 all together to Zhangjiajie church for 4 days preaching and worship meeting. After my family and all the students left this afternoon, I still stay here to teach in a leadership training class until the last day of my holiday October 9.


Sorry for the lateness of this month’s prayer letter. I was invited to baptize several new believers and had to listen to some church leaders’ stories. I only got spare time tonight.


I am glad now I am writing to you again for this month’s prayer request:


1) I will teach the whole day tomorrow and preach on this Sunday, please pray for Zhangjiajie church and church leaders in Zhangjiajie area. They seldom have chances to attend training class or conference, so pray they will have a bigger vision in His field after this time’s class.


2) Praise the Lord I have finished one assignment in Leadership Development before Ocotober 7. In the following days of this month, I should finish all the assignments on Theology of Mission. I need your prayers. Study and working at the same time is a big challenge. I hope I can struggle through by the grace of God.


3) Rev. Chen in these national holidays drives his van visiting churches in the west part of Hunan, including Changde, Zhangjiajie, Huaihua and Loudi. Please pray for his safe driving and wisdom when he talks with church leaders.


4) October 23-25, I will teach a leadership training class in Changde. Please pray for me. These church leaders are from countryside. May God help me teach them efficiently.


5) Pray for wisdom of our HBI’s leadership, so that we will know how to make theological theory and mission work together in theological education. We want our students to have ability to enter into this world, not only enter into churches, to be testimony for our Lord Jesus Christ.


6) Pray for the leadership of Hunan Christian Council. Next year we will have election, which is once five years.


7) Our new campus is going to open construction in this month, says Rev. Chenzhi. Let’s praise the Lord for it!


October 7, 2011

Zhangjiajie, Hunan.

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